Digital Inclusion

Much of day-to-day life has moved on-line. This can be a major barrier for those without the experience, confidence, or the equipment, to use the internet or smart phone apps.

We provide a range of support to help combat this.    

1.         If you are:  

·         Over 65 years old

·         Live alone

·         Provide or receive care from a family member

·         Have a disability/health condition

·         Are in receipt of Pension Credit or other means tested benefit 

You can sign up for one of our 8 weekly 1-1 teaching sessions with one of our digital volunteers. You will cover the basics of computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

Sessions usually last for around an hour. During the first session, you’ll complete an initial review of your current digital skills, allowing our volunteers to discuss with you the areas you need help with over the next sessions. 

Call the Helpline to find out more: 01584 873 062


2.   Drop in help:

Our ‘IT guru’ volunteers are on hand on certain days to provide help, information, advice and training to people looking to get online for the first time or to develop new digital skills on laptops, tablets or their smartphones.

Call the Helpline to find out more.


3.   Access to the internet:

 Our social space offers free to use (although donations are welcome) internet linked equipment and printer if you have a quick task you can only do on-line and you don’t have the means. Space is limited and so you may want to ring ahead to check availability.


4.  Help at home:

We can loan housebound people without access to the internet everything they need to get online, including limited free access to the internet so people can ‘try before they buy’.


5.  Recycle

 We help reduce waste by taking people’s workable but no longer needed IT devices, professionally wiping the hard drive, upgrading where needed and then redistributing items within the local community.     



“…Thank you so much for sorting out my tablet and emails. I didn’t think it would ever work and now I can use email again after years of not been able to…” (J, age 93)